Nominating Committees

It’s that time of year when our PTAs will be talking about new officers needed to run the PTA for the next term. According to the bylaws, this is what you should do:


Nominating committee — There shall be a nominating committee composed of three (3) members who shall be elected by the membership of this local PTA/PTSA at least two (2) months prior to the election of officers.
The committee shall:

  1. elect a chair;
  2. nominate one eligible person for each office to be filled and report its nominees at the regular general membership meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to the election. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the election meeting; and
  3. only those individuals who are current members of a local PTA/PTSA and who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for, or elected to, such office.


Our bylaws promote transparency and processes that protect the PTA and officers. They are our guide to following fair procedures when making decisions, voting, and accomplishing the tasks of your nonprofit.


As leaders of PTA, we also know what this process really looks like in a busy local unit. Who will step up? How do we get those volunteers? How do we train them and ensure a smooth transition? Some PTAs will panic at this time and worry that no one is stepping up to lead and continue the great work you are accomplishing for the children at your school. Here are a few tips for those PTAs:

  • Find a person willing to chair the nominating committee who is not a current officer.
  • Ask that person to help you find at least two more people.
  • Give the nominating committee your membership list so they can contact potential officers.
  • Ask your principal to include a request for PTA leaders in the school newsletter/principal email.
  • Incoming kindergarten parents will be attending information nights, ask for the PTA to be on the meeting agenda and invite them to participate.
  • As school events are scheduled, ask for a PTA announcement and invite families to attend and contact the nominating chair about participating.
  • Remember that Jeffco PTA, Colorado PTA, and all of our resources are at your fingertips.


If you can’t find volunteers, contact Jeffco PTA so we can help you to coordinate a presentation night for your families and help you to recruit your future leaders. Don’t panic, we’re always here to help. Simply email and we’ll be at your side to assist.